(加热即食的)盒装电视便餐,冷冻快餐 A TV dinner is a complete meal that is sold in a single container. It can be heated up quickly and eaten from the container it is cooked in.
The name TV dinner came from the shape of the tray it was served on. 电视餐这个名字来源于装这类餐食的盘子的形状。
There were other theories about the name of the TV dinner. 关于电视餐这个名字的由来还有别的说法。
'We've had people from Alaska, we've had people from Missouri, Illinois, Kansas, we've had customers drive all the way from Utah just to eat dinner,' she told Barcroft TV. 我们的顾客有来自阿拉斯加的,还有来自密苏里、伊利诺斯和堪萨斯的,甚至还有顾客从犹他州一路开车过来,只为吃一顿晚餐。劳伦告诉BarcroftTV频道。
"When I'm sitting at home with the TV off, I can understand just fine," he said," but when I go out for dinner, I have trouble." 他说道,“但是当我去赶赴宴会时,我就会有很大的麻烦。”
Listen to some music, watch a movie or some TV, paint, cook dinner, or play guitar. 听听歌、看看电影、看看电视、画画、做饭或者是弹弹吉他。
The result is that TV has infiltrated almost every setting, from dinner parties to the torrent of tweets on Sunday nights. 其结果是,电视剧渗透进了几乎每一个场合中,从晚宴到周日晚间大量涌现的推文均如此。
I enjoy a good old-fashioned TV Dinner. 我喜欢美美地来上一顿老式冷冻快餐。
My family often watch TV after dinner. 我的家人经常晚饭后看电视。
Don't you think such ads are not suitable on TV at the time of dinner? 你不认为这样的广告不适合在进餐时间在电视上播放吗?
Where doyou think the whole TV dinner thing came from? 你以为电视宴会那一整套东西从哪儿来?
Without the distraction of TV, they might sit around together after dinner and actually talk to one another. 没有电视的娱乐,他们在晚餐之后可能一起无所事事并且实际上和彼此说话。
If someone had told me seven years ago, in my final year of a business and economics degree, that I'd now be living without money, I'd have probably choked on my TV dinner. 如果有人在七年前告诉我,也就是在我攻读商业与经济学学位的最后一年,我以后会过着没有钱的生活,边看电视边吃晚餐的我听了这话非得噎着。
She watches everyday English on TV after dinner. 她晚饭后在电视上看日常英语。
Hispanic and black parents reported having the TV on during dinner more often than white parents, the investigators report in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 调查人员发表在《美国饮食协会杂志》上的报告说,与白人父母相比,西班牙人和黑人父母在晚餐时更经常开着电视;
She usually watches TV after dinner. 晚饭后她通常看电视。
We prefer watching TV at home to having dinner with her. 我们宁可呆在家里看电视,也不想和她一块儿吃饭。
Less educated parents also were more apt to have the TV on during the family dinner. 受教育程度低的父母更倾向于全家晚餐时开着电视。
I always watch TV while having dinner. 我总是边吃饭边看电视。